Monday, March 21, 2011

Image Hotspots Are Hotter Than Elf Chicks!

This morning I posted about trying to figure out how to put multiple hyperlinks into an image (aka Hotspots). I have since been successful! So now what do I do with it? Well I was thinking that I could put a map at the top of my blog and hyperlink areas, towns, regions etc to individual blog posts on the corresponding hotspot topic. A Gazetteer Blog if you will. This all stemmed from me trying to figure out how to organize Ukarea and my post about the Narrator's Helper.

My initial feeling is that it might work well for a Gazetter style writeup, but not so great for a full Setting. I would love to hear some thoughts on it.



  1. I use this:

  2. If you have a wiki backing you up, and you use a drill-down approach, I think it would rock.

  3. @ Scottsz ~ That is a nice app. I haven't had a chance to actually map an image with it yet (at work and don't have access to my maps and things) but it looks to be just the ticket. Thanks.

    @ ChicagoWiz ~ Are you saying "drill-down" (world to village) as opposed to starting small and going up (village to world)? To what extent would you see a wiki used for?



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